New Construction? Here\’s What You Need to Know Before Closing

Are you in the market for a new home? If so, you\’ll want to make sure that you\’re aware of the potential pitfalls of buying new construction. There are a lot of things to consider when making such a big purchase – and not all of them are obvious. For example, did you know that it\’s important to have a home inspection done on new construction homes? Or that there may be delays in getting your keys if the builder is behind schedule? In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important things to keep in mind when buying new construction. Read on to learn more!

If you\’re considering buying a new construction home, one of the first things you should do is get a home inspection. This is especially important if you\’re buying an older home, as there may be hidden damage that the seller isn\’t aware of. However, even new homes can have problems – for example, faulty wiring or plumbing. By having a home inspection done, you can catch any potential problems before they become serious (and expensive) issues. If repairs need to be done, it is much better for them happen now rather than later. A home with occupied living space can cause significant disruption and may not get completed as quickly because of this reason alone; plus some builders seem more willing before you buy but become less so once your family moves in- which means getting everything written down could save time (and money!). Most builders are great and do stand by their homes after the sale, but it’s still worth getting everything in writing before you close on the home.

Another thing to keep in mind when buying new construction is that the builder may not be able to meet their original estimated completion date. This can happen for a variety of reasons, from weather delays to material shortages. If you\’re planning on moving into your new home by a certain date, make sure to build in some flexibility into your timeline. Otherwise, you may find yourself stuck living in a hotel for an extended period of time!

We hope that this blog post has given you some things to think about if you\’re considering buying new construction. Remember, it\’s important to do your research and be prepared for anything that might come up. With a little planning, you can be sure that your new home will be everything you\’ve ever wanted – and more. Thanks for reading!

Do you have any experience with buying new construction? What tips would you add to our list? Let us know in the comments below!

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Picture of Howard Burch

Howard Burch

Howard Burch is a Certified Master Inspector and owner of HOMESHAPE Inspections. He writes about home maintenance, the real estate market, and home inspections, helping homeowners keep their homes in top shape with practical tips and insights.

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