Why You Shouldn’t Omit a Home Inspection

In today\’s market, purchasing a house is a daunting task. As a home inspector in Orlando, I frequently see open houses with long lines of cars on the weekends. Newly listed homes are featured on Instagram and sell in a matter of weeks. According to realtors in my area, many buyer submittals are reducing the buyer\’s inspection period to as little as seven days. Fifteen days used to be the standard inspection period. I understand that buying a home can be a very competitive process, especially with interest rates at record lows and inventory at historically low levels. Buyers will go to any length to make themselves more appealing to sellers. Writing letters, offering thousands above asking price, and skipping home inspections are just a few of the strategies being used to secure a home in this hot market.

Although losing out on a home in which you have become emotionally invested can be extremely frustrating and nerve-wracking. Home buyers should keep in mind that purchasing a home is one of the most important investments they will make in their lives, and it should be considered carefully.

While waiving a home inspection may appear to be a plausible option for beating out other bids, there are some disadvantages to consider.

You\’re going to need an insurance inspection.

Regardless of the house\’s age, home inspectors are being called more regularly for insurance inspections nowadays. The majority of insurance companies require an insurance inspection before issuing a new policy. Unfortunately, because homeowner\’s insurance is often required by mortgage lenders, there is no way to avoid it. Wind Mitigations and 4-Point Inspections are two different types of insurance inspections that home inspectors do. These inspections, unfortunately, are not as thorough as a home inspection.

There could be major problems with the home.

A house may appear to be in decent shape on the surface, but there may be underlying issues due to neglect and poor maintenance. A buyer\’s decision is influenced by major concerns with the HVAC system, electrical, plumbing, roof, and foundation. A seller\’s disclosure may miss these issues, and they may not even be aware that they exist.

There may be Safety Concerns

The primary responsibility of a home inspector is to discover dangers that pose a risk to their client\’s and their families safety. The purpose of a home inspection is to see whether there are any safety issues in the house. For instance, carbon monoxide and fire safety in the home, as well as dangerous electrical circumstances, are quite common.

You lose the ability to negotiate pricing

Now I understand that in a seller\’s market, most homes are sold \”as is,\” and there is fierce competition for homebuyers. In a regular home inspection, however, if your inspector discovers a severe defect or a safety hazard. Repairing or resolving that problem could be expensive. Sellers are frequently unaware of the problem and may be willing to negotiate on it.

Home Inspection Services in Orlando FL

Are you looking for more homeowner tips? Did you know your home inspector is your best resource for home maintenance tips? We\’re here to help you know the shape of your home. HOMESHAPE Inspections has been helping real estate agents and homeowners with Home Inspection Services in Orlando Fl. We also provide 4- Point Inspections and Wind Mitigations for homes in Lake Mary, Clermont, & Mount Dora.


Schedule a home inspection today on our website!


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