How Much is a Home Inspection?
Clients routinely contact me by phone and email, asking only for the price. I understand why its such a crucial question. Purchasing a property is costly, and the home inspection charge is one of the costs that will be deducted from your bank account. It isn\’t that straightforward, though. There are numerous factors that can influence the pricing.

The size of the home.
The age of the home.
Where the home is located.
If there are additional service needs for the home such as a Wind Mitigation or 4 Point Inspection.
To put it another way, the typical cost of a house inspection in Orlando, Florida is between $300 to $500. This is usually determined by the home\’s age and size. Home inspections are no different than most other services in that you get what you pay for. Make sure you talk to your home inspector and find out what\’s included in the price you\’re paying! I also believe that the level of customer care provided during a house inspection is critical. When I\’m dealing with clients, I\’m focused on meeting their needs and answering their questions.
It\’s crucial to inquire about any discounts offered by your home inspector. Military, veteran, and first responder discounts are available through HOMESHAPE Inspections. We also bundle our Wind Mitigation and 4- Point Inspections to save homeowners money on insurance inspections.
Can I Attend the Home Inspection?
Yes! You\’ll be pleased you took the time to do so! I am always encouraging my clients to attend their home inspections. In the present housing market (2021-2022), most homebuyers have very little time to go around a house before making an offer on it. Your home inspection is a chance for you to learn more about the condition of your house and to see it in greater detail.
Furthermore, a home inspection report concentrates on all of your house\’s flaws. If you are able to come, we will discuss not just the flaws but also the positive aspects of your home. As your inspector, my favorite part of the job is informing you about the condition of your home. On paper, the problems may appear frightening, but in person, we can explore the ramifications and possibilities for resolving the defect in depth.
Always try to attend if you can, even if it\’s just to hear a summary in person at the end of the inspection.
How Long Does a Home Inspection Take?
This, too, will vary depending on the home inspector and what is included in your home inspection. For an inspection, I always set aside 4 hours. This is frequently done to ensure that I have enough time to answer all of my clients\’ questions and to avoid feeling rushed as a solo inspector. Some homes will take longer to complete than others.
The age of a home, in my opinion, is the most important factor. When it comes to older homes, there have typically been more changes or upgrades over the years, with varying levels of maintenance. Without setting foot on the property until the day of the home inspection, it\’s often difficult to tell. In terms of newer construction, these homes may be more straightforward because they were built in accordance with current building practices.
I would consider it a red flag if you have a 65-year-old home that appears to be in need of some TLC and are told it will only take an hour to an hour and a half to complete. It\’s possible that the inspector isn\’t allotting enough time to investigate the entire house.
Do You Look For Mold or Termites?
Hearing these terms makes me feel like I\’m listening to nails on a chalkboard. In the state of Florida, this is probably the most controversial subject among home inspectors. I\’ll preface this question with the following: I am not a mold assessor or a pest inspector. Because of Florida\’s licensing laws, home inspectors must be extremely cautious when dealing with these issues. Yes, I\’m actively looking for \”damages to the home or indications of moisture damage,\” to give you the short answer. However, I am not permitted by law to identify or categorize the substance.
Is this included with the home inspection?
There are several aspects of a home that are not covered by a home inspection. I am, however, frequently asked if I inspect them. I always recommend reading your inspection agreement for clarification on what is required to be inspected and what is not. The Florida Standards of Practice can be found here. I’ve also added a few examples of common items I see with homes here in Florida.
Septic Systems
Swimming pools
For starters, I\’d like to point out that these services are available through home inspectors for additional fees. It does, however, require additional training, specialized equipment, and more thorough investigation techniques.
Sewer lines, septic tanks, and wells are all hidden underground. Some inspectors will do these types of inspections using a sewer scope camera. There are experts who are more educated and can provide these services at a lower cost than I ever could as a solo inspector.
Outbuildings, such as a shed or detached structure, are very common in Florida. They don\’t fall under the scope of a home inspection because they aren\’t directly attached to the house. Unless a client expresses a desire for that type of inspection, they are frequently left out.
Another area that I prefer to delegate to a professional is pool equipment. I will often check for electrical issues When looking at main panels or sub panels for pool equipment. I also make sure to note if there is a missing safety barrier around the pool. Otherwise it’s not required by the standards of practice.
Home Inspection Services in Orlando FL
Are you looking for more homeowner tips? Did you know your home inspector is your best resource for home maintenance tips? We\’re here to help you know the shape of your home. HOMESHAPE Inspections has been helping real estate agents and homeowners with Home Inspection Services in Orlando Fl. We also provide 4- Point Inspections and Wind Mitigations for homes in Lake Mary, Clermont, & Mount Dora.
Schedule a home inspection today on our website!
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