12 Tips to Childproof Your House

It is necessary to strive to keep kids safe because accidents are the primary cause of mortality in young children.

Thankfully, childproofing your house may stop many accidents and tragedies from occurring. If you have small children or pets, you must keep their safety in mind when building, remodeling and living in your home. What may appear harmless to you as an adult may be dangerous to children. Before childproofing a house, hire a home inspector for your home inspection. Inspecting a home is necessary for effective home maintenance and addressing safety concerns. Here in this article, are the tips to help you childproof your home for your child’s safety.

12 Tips for Childproofing a Home

Continue reading for our 12 tips and techniques to childproof your house.

  1. Install a gate with extensions

    Installing a sturdy gate in the appropriate locations is an important aspect of childproofing your home. Children are naturally curious and will take advantage of any opportunity to visit locations they are not allowed to be in. The kitchen, stairwells, and basement, for example, can put children in danger. It is essential to professionally install strong gates; otherwise, your youngster may knock the gate down and injure themselves. When you install gates, you will enjoy some peace of mind.

  2. Install Locking Straps

    Home appliances, whether in operation or not, can be dangerous. Your youngster could, for example, open the oven and get burned, or take out dangerous items like a knife and get injured while you are away. The most efficient way to keep all of these items safe in each area is to invest in an appliance latch or lock. If you use a toilet lid lock, your child won\’t be able to open the toilet and play with the toilet water or clog it by placing their favorite toys in for an aquatic adventure, so make sure you have one installed.

  3. Utilize Fire Guards

    When children and an open flame are present, fireplace and stove protection are strongly recommended. According to the National Fire Protection Association, fires caused by children playing with fire kill roughly 300 people each year and destroy $280 million in property. As a result, you should not disregard your concerns regarding your child\’s fire risks. Purchasing fire extinguishers, utilizing stove shields and back burners when cooking can protect your child from burning themselves. It will go a long way if you make a habit of testing smoke alarms on a regular basis. Typically, during a home inspection, your home inspector will run a series of tests to ensure that all devices are in excellent working order and give recommendations for missing smoke alarms.

  4. Install Cabinet and Drawer Locks

    No one wants a child to touch harmful products found under the cabinet, so use an interior latch bolted into your cabinet or drawer lock to keep them from opening doors to unsafe places. To be on the safe side, use childproofing systems that include both latches and exterior locks. Why is it necessary to have both? Because internal latches frequently fail when used alone, and you may forget to lock your cabinet each time you open it. As a result, employing both is the safest option.

  5. Secure Doors to Unsafe Rooms

    One of the first tasks in childproofing is to prevent your toddler from leaving the house and trying to sneak into areas that are off limits. Installing a doorknob cover will make it difficult for their small hands to turn the knobs and open the door. These covers should be installed on all relevant doors, including those leading out of your home, bathrooms, storerooms, the kitchen, and other areas you want your child to avoid.

  6. Install & Maintain Smoke Detectors

    Every home should have an adequate number of smoke detectors in key locations. Fires caused by children playing with fire are fairly prevalent, as noted in reason 3. Smoke alarms should be installed in each bedroom, outside of each sleeping space, and on every floor level of a home, according to the National Fire Protection Association. During a home inspection, your home inspector will test each smoke alarm and offer recommendations for updating or replacing detectors in places where they are needed. Installing carbon monoxide detectors near sleeping places in your home or garage will be extremely beneficial if your home uses gas appliances, particularly a gas cooktop, furnace, or water heater. It\’s vital to remember to inspect and replace the batteries in your smoke detectors every six months.

  7. Make It a Habit to Inspect Your Home for Potential Choking Dangers

    Checking the floor for small materials such as toys, small magnets, legos, broken pieces, or pebbles that are potential choke hazards for children is one of the most effective procedures. Children have a mysterious habit of putting anything in their mouths. Performing a daily inspection of your home for small objects helps ensure your child\’s safety.

  8. Covering Electrical Outlets

    Electrical appliances are required for everyday use in the home. So, how do we keep them out of our children\’s reach? Here are some ideas to help you answer that question: Unplug wired appliances when they\’re not in use. Cables should not be run under carpets or rugs. Look for indicators of broken plugs or sockets, as well as loose wiring. Put plug protectors on any electrical outlets that aren\’t tamper-proof. Existing electrical outlets should be replaced with Tamper Resistant Outlets. All electrical items should be kept out of reach, and unsecured cables should be wrapped/elevated to prevent them from chewing or sending gadgets flying when tugged.

  9. Install Corner and Edge Guards to Soften Hard Edges

    Although having appliances and furniture with sharp edges is unavoidable, there is something you can do about it. Which is done by attaching corner guards with cushions and edge protector strips to corners and edges. This will prevent your children from getting the iconic head bump that we all remember from our childhood.

  10. Check that your Pool is Safe

    If your property contains a pool, a pool fence should be installed for safety reasons. A pool of any form that is over 24 inches deep must have a barrier, according to state law, and a property fence does not count. The Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act of Florida, which was enacted to prevent children from drowning by accident. It\’s as straightforward as that; it\’s the law. It’s important that you monitor your children when bathing or are near areas of water that pose a risk of drowning.

  11. Install the Anti Tip Devices

    Seriously, this is the most vital tip to remember. Anti-tip devices should be installed on TVs, dressers, drawers, workstations, and bookshelves, among other items. The lack of anti-tip mechanisms on appliances such as the oven is frequently discovered as the most prevalent defect during a home inspection. According to a study by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 556 lives have been lost to tip-overs between 2000 and 2018, with 83 percent of those killed being children aged 0 to 17. Furniture was shown to be the leading cause of both fatalities and injuries in tip-over accidents, accounting for 60 percent of fatalities and 76 percent of injuries.

  12. Remove Blind Cords & Lock Windows

    Install additional locking devices or window wedges on your windows to prevent your child from opening them. Window screens may keep insects out of your home, but they will not keep children from tumbling through one. Window blinds frequently contain long cables that can strangle a child. Make sure cords are short and out of reach of children.

Final Thoughts

If you have a young child, you must monitor and maintain your home on a regular basis. Even older children and teenagers are vulnerable to dangers in the house. It\’s never a bad idea to inform your home inspector ahead of time that you have little children. Home inspectors can be an excellent source for childproofing advice and resources.

Home Inspection Services in Winter Park FL

Are you looking for more homeowner tips? Did you know your home inspector is your best resource for home maintenance tips? We\’re here to help you know the shape of your home. HOMESHAPE Inspections has been helping real estate agents and homeowners with Home Inspection Services in Winter Park Fl. We also provide 4- Point Inspections and Wind Mitigations for homes in Winter Garden, Apopka, and Orlando.

Schedule a home inspection today on our website!


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Picture of Howard Burch

Howard Burch

Howard Burch is a Certified Master Inspector and owner of HOMESHAPE Inspections. He writes about home maintenance, the real estate market, and home inspections, helping homeowners keep their homes in top shape with practical tips and insights.

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