Understanding Your Home Inspection Report

Waiting on your home inspection report can make anyone nervous and is a crucial part of any real estate transaction.

It\’s okay to be nervous and that feeling is totally normal but be rest assured in knowing that no home is perfect and your home inspector is here to help you understand the report.

Here are a few tips to remember as you read your home inspection report.

Read the Full Home Inspection Report, Not Just the Summary

It may seem daunting to look at a long inspection report and think that it is too long to read. Our inspections cover a very large number of different items in the property and the reality is photos and videos make up a very large portion of the report.

Reading the whole report gives you the whole picture of the inspection and leaves no surprises. The report is meant to teach you about the shape of your home.

If you can\’t read the full home inspection report, at least make sure you read the entire summary.

Remember it’s your responsibility as a homeowner to learn about your future home. Take the time to learn about your home\’s major systems and how to maintain them. HOMESHAPE offers many articles about homeownership in our Homeowner Resources.

Focus on Major Items

When looking at the report it’s important to focus on the health and safety items first. These items will most likely require a qualified professional.

Most markets are seller’s markets. Meaning negotiation for small items such as changing the front door locks will have no bearing on the price. Whereas negotiation on a major system being damaged may have more bearing.

Research & Ask For Other Opinions

It\’s normal not to know the costs for maintenance or repairs. Our home maintenance costs article can help you establish a budget.

Always remember no two contractors charge the same price for the same amount of work. Be sure to look for a contractor that meets your expectations.

Utilize your agent, friends, family, home inspector, or Google to help you learn about the typical costs and effort involved in repairs or maintenance.

You Don’t Need To Fix Everything at Once

I remember when I bought my first house, I had the strongest urge to immediately fix everything. We replaced the floors, painted the walls and moved the furniture into the house. All the week before Thanksgiving. Try to resist this feeling. Remember most of the items on your home inspection report you can live with.

Take your time and prioritize what\’s most important. You’ll gradually upgrade items over time and work to make your home unique to you. Owning a house is a long-term investment.


In our reports, we highlight the most important aspects of a home inspection. Each report is presented in a modern format, which provides effortless navigation, high quality images, and videos explaining our findings. Our web-based inspections give you the ability to print a report as well as access your report online the moment we leave the property!

Schedule a home inspection today on our website!


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Picture of Howard Burch

Howard Burch

Howard Burch is a Certified Master Inspector and owner of HOMESHAPE Inspections. He writes about home maintenance, the real estate market, and home inspections, helping homeowners keep their homes in top shape with practical tips and insights.

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