How HOMESHAPE Inspections Provides Mold Inspections

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When you are buying a home, it is important to know what you\’re getting into. This includes knowing about potential problems with the property, such as mold. If you are thinking of purchasing a home, it is important to get a mold inspection done first. In this blog post, we will discuss the mold inspection process and what you need to know about it.

What is a Mold Inspection?

When it comes to mold, it\’s better to be safe than sorry. That\’s why mold inspections are so important. A mold inspection is performed by a certified mold inspector in accordance with the mold inspection standards of practice set forth by the International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants. The inspector will look for visible signs of mold growth, water damage, and musty odors. They will also take air samples both inside and outside the home, as well as possibly a surface sample from an area of concern. The results of the mold inspection will be reported back to you, the homeowner, so that you can take the necessary steps to remediate any mold growth that may be present.

It’s important to know the standards of practice for a mold inspection. So, here’s what they look like.

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[av_toggle title=\’IAC2 Complete Mold Inspection Scope\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ av_uid=\’av-l6z96925\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’]

2.1 The inspector shall perform:

a non-invasive visual examination of the readily accessible, visible, and installed systems and components of the building (listed in Section 4.0 Standards of Practice) moisture, temperature and humidity measurements (refer to Section 4.8 Moisture, Humidity, and Temperature) mold samples according to the IAC2 Mold Sampling Procedures (refer to Section 5.0 IAC2 Mold Sampling Procedures)

2.2 The inspector shall report:

moisture intrusion; water damage; musty odors; apparent mold growth; conditions conducive to mold growth; results of a laboratory analysis of all mold samplings taken at the building; and any system or component listed in Section 4.0 Standards of Practice that were not inspected and the reason(s) they were not inspected.

[av_toggle title=\’ICA2 Limited Mold Inspection Scope\’ tags=\’\’ custom_id=\’\’ av_uid=\’av-l6z96kt8\’ sc_version=\’1.0\’]

The limited mold inspection does not include a visual examination of the entire building but is limited to a specific area of the building identified and described by the inspector. As a result, moisture intrusion, water damage, musty odors, apparent mold growth, or conditions conducive to mold growth in other areas of the building may not be inspected.

3.1 The inspector shall describe:

the room or limited area of the building in which the Limited Mold Inspection is performed.

3.2 The inspector shall perform:

a limited non-invasive visual examination of the readily accessible, visible, and installed systems and components located only in the room or limited area (as described in previous Section 3.1). mold samples according to the IAC2 Mold Sampling Procedures (see Section 5.0 IAC2 Mold Sampling Procedures)

3.3 The inspector shall report:

moisture intrusion, water damage, musty odors, apparent mold growth, or conditions conducive to mold growth; and results of a laboratory analysis of all mold samplings taken at the building


The Mold Inspection Process.

When you purchase a mold inspection, your inquiry is more than just receiving samples and lab testing. We found providing an extremely large number of photos and determining where and how moisture intrusion can be caused is a crucial part of the information to be examined with mold sampling and testing. We also utilize 3 samples for an inspection at minimum. It\’s important to know that these samples are required, and additional samples may be needed as deemed by the inspector and agreed upon by the client. Our home inspectors also inspect various sections of the property to include the roof, exterior and grounds, the foundation, the heating / cooling systems, the home’s ventilation, plumbing, the attic/insulation, the interior of the home, and report on the moisture, humidity and temperature using IAC2 Mold Sampling procedures.

Why is the Mold Inspection Similar to a Home Inspection?

A HOMESHAPE Mold inspection can be similar to our comprehensive home inspection. During a mold inspection the home inspector is often required to inspect the same areas of the home as we do in a traditional home inspection. This can include the roof, attic, crawl spaces, windows, interior and exterior of the home. However, were reporting to a different standard of practice. To ensure a thorough mold inspection, we use special mold detection equipment. This equipment can help us to identify mold spores that are not visible to the naked eye. In addition, we take mold samples from different areas of the home. These samples are then sent overnight to a lab for analysis. We provide an initial report showing any defects noticed during the inspection then provide the lab results after they’re published.

How much is a Mold Inspection?

Typically, mold inspections can range from $450 to $550 according to Homewyse. Nationally it’s reported that the average cost for a mold inspection is between $450 to $800 according to FIXR. 2022 Mold Inspection Cost | Mold Testing Cost ( A mold inspection is an important step in protecting your home from mold growth. Mold can cause health problems, including respiratory issues, so it\’s important to make sure that your home is mold-free. A mold inspection can be conducted by a home inspector or a mold specialist. The cost of a mold inspection will vary depending on the size of your home and the extent of the mold problem. However, mold inspection costs are typically very reasonable, and the benefits of having a mold-free home are well worth the investment.

Know the Shape of Your Home Today.

Mold can cause a variety of health problems and should be taken seriously. If you think you may have a mold problem in your home, it is important to schedule a mold inspection with a qualified professional. HOMESHAPE Inspections has the experience and expertise necessary to identify any potential mold issues and recommend the best course of action for remediation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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Picture of Howard Burch

Howard Burch

Howard Burch is a Certified Master Inspector and owner of HOMESHAPE Inspections. He writes about home maintenance, the real estate market, and home inspections, helping homeowners keep their homes in top shape with practical tips and insights.

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