Happy Veterans Day!

To all those who have served and are still serving, we thank you! HOMESHAPE is a veteran owned business serving homeowners and real estate agents in the Central Florida area. We believe our success comes from integrity, selfless service, and respect. These core values in our company’s culture are derived from the values we upheld serving this great nation in our prior military service. We believe in honoring those who have serve and are still serving. We do this by providing a year-round discount to our inspection services for military families in Florida. We look at our discount as a great opportunity to connect with fellow veterans and service members to hear about their story.

Once again. Thank you for your service.

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Picture of Howard Burch

Howard Burch

Howard Burch is a Certified Master Inspector and owner of HOMESHAPE Inspections. He writes about home maintenance, the real estate market, and home inspections, helping homeowners keep their homes in top shape with practical tips and insights.

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